South Jersey Real Estate Investors Association

Category: land trust (2 articles found) - Clear Search

Why Use a land trust?


Why Use a land trust?

By Mr. land trust®, Randy Hughes


Do you remember 1969? Probably not. You may have been born after 1969 and did not find real estate as an investment until many years later. I remember the year 1969 very well. It was the year in which I purchased my first rental house. I was still in college and realized that I needed to break the cycle of poverty in my family.

First, I decided to get more education than anyone else in my family. So, I went to college and majored in business. While studying in college, I realized that most people in America who became wealthy did it through investment real estate. My initial interest was in apartment buildings, but since they took large amounts of down payment money (the “nothing down” concept had not been invented yet) I defaulted to the single family home as my IDEAL investment vehicle. Read More...

land trusts vs. Limited Liability Companies


land trusts vs. Limited Liability Companies

By: Mr. land trust®, Randy Hughes


Recently I read an article by an attorney telling his readers not to use a land trust. He recommended titling your investment property in a Limited Liability Company. His reasoning was that land trusts are only a “deterrent” to a lawsuit and they do not provide “true” asset protection. The attorney went on explaining how any lawyer “worth his salt” would find out you are the beneficiary of a land trust as the result of a judgment debtor’s exam (which is a hearing in a court room . . . sometimes called a Citation to Discover Assets). The attorney writing this article concluded that you have “zero” privacy with a land trust and if you want privacy you should “save the expense” of a Read More...